How Does Horizontal Auger Boring Work?


Horizontal Auger Boring has made life easier for plumbing professionals to lay down utility lines. Previously, technicians relied on Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to achieve this. HDD, however, requires digging trenches and closing off busy roads. Horizontal Auger Boring doesn’t require that.

How does Horizontal Auger Boring Work?

If you were to hire a professional, experienced plumbing company, they will begin by acquiring a geotechnical site survey. That’s important because it helps technicians understand the soil and groundwater conditions in the area. The drilling company will also consider expected obstructions before developing the right way to approach the auger boring work.

The next step before the actual installation process is cleaning the site away. This is usually done by calling a ‘one-call’ hotline to clear the area for underground utilities. A drive pit is then constructed at one end of the pipeline. This is the plumber’s main access point. It is from here that technicians oversee the entire operations.

Next, plumbers prepare for the boring by transporting the equipment to the drive pit. This includes the drilling machine, lengths of the auger, specified cutting bit, and casing. The condition of the soil determines the power of the machine. In cases where the ground is sandy or comprises of heavy clay, our technicians prefer a more powerful machine.

The casing, along with the auger machine, is inserted into the access point. The hydraulic jacks in the drilling machine thrust the jack into the soil, pushing it forward. The casing pipe then takes it position. Once the casing pipe is in its designated position, the hydraulic jack and auger are removed, along with excavated soil,

Lastly, our technicians perform one final check of the pipes before removing all machinery and closing the access point.

Horizontal Auger Boring vs. Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal Auger Boring is gaining popularity. That’s mainly because:

  • It eliminates the need to destroy existing roads and pavements to lay down utility lines underneath. HAB completes the entire process by gaining aces through one point and finishing the up to 500 feet of installation.
  • HAB is also less disruptive. Since the entire operation is done from one point, there is no need to block roads and create unnecessary traffic jams.
  • HAB saves costs. Since there is no need to take out roads and railways to put down the lining, you can save a lot when you opt for HAB.

However, HAB has still not completely taken over HDD. That’s because:

  • HDD is more feasible for bores of less than 6 inches. These include small water lines, fiber optics and electric lines.
  • HAB comes with certain limitations. The machinery is difficult to steer. This means a slight misalignment in the planning can create problems later on.
  • HAB requires professional technicians. These people know the limitations of HAB and can avoid them through careful planning and monitoring.

If you’re interested in Horizontal Auger Boring, or have more questions on how horizontal auger boring work, give us a call. The professionals at Plumbing Doc have the right training and credentials to answer all your questions.



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