Why Drain Inspections Are Important in Delano, California


Regular home maintenance is expected by both new and seasoned homeowners alike. Whether yard maintenance, roof repair, or getting electrical system checkups and updates, upkeep is simply part of owning property. Often overlooked, however, is your plumbing system, at least partially because you can’t see most of it. Drain inspections can rectify this issue, however, removing the possibility of serious home repairs from your future.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”

With the adage of “an apple a day” ringing in the back of our heads, regular drain inspections will help to prevent catastrophic damage occurring in your home through both the early identification of damage and clearing away minor issues before they become major problems.

If ignored, a plumbing system can fall into disrepair in the same way that any other component of your home might.

Raw sewage stagnating in your yard or basement, severely clogged drains, lingering sewage odors in your home, or even the unpleasant surprise of realizing your system needs a major replacement within several months, are all possibilities if regular maintenance is ignored. A good example of a minor problem which can literally grow out of control if unchecked is tree roots growing into your plumbing system. Forcing their way into miniscule crevices in the material of the pipe, they are easily cleared away if managed early, but can quickly grow to block the pipe and even shatter it from within – an unfortunate possibility in Delano. Regular drain inspections would identify this, and clear them away harmlessly.

Sewer Camera Inspections

Camera inspections are performed before each service conducted on your drains, whether it’s regular maintenance, clog removal, or a serious repair. They help our Plumbing Doc engineers assess your problem without unnecessary guesswork, and pinpoint both the nature and location of your damage. A small, high-definition camera is threaded into your pipe until encountering the issue at hand, and is later retrieved by a technician. Sewer camera inspections are easily able to spot badly needed repair zones, or simply show that your pipes are aging. An engineer will be on hand to discuss your problem as well as recommend options for repair.

Delano, California’s drain inspection needs

The Plumbing Doc is proud to serve Delano’s plumbing needs with a range of services, from simple drain inspections to our cutting-edge trenchless sewer repair. Contact us today to set up a regular maintenance schedule that will keep your home functioning and prevent expensive major damage!



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I'm using this company for my business needs as well as for my residential property. Very reliable and dedicated employees. 24/7 services whenever you have any plumbing problem they willing to help.


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