How To Keep Roots From Wrecking Your Sewer Line

Even though trees are an incredibly beautiful sight to see on your land, they are also the perfect way to cost you thousands of dollars, a lot of stress, and many headaches when it comes to their roots tearing right through your sewer line. Sewer lines carry water, oxygen, and nutrients and that is why tree roots grow towards sewer lines, because these are the types of things that trees need to survive. If there is a crack in the pipe lines of your sewer, tree roots are going to squeeze through these cracks and grow straight through the pipe. They will then create a blockage for sewage waste from passing through and flowing out of your pipe line. Over a period of time, this tree root is going to grow large enough to break, or collapse, the line, therefore, costing you a load of money to have to repair it. There are several ways that you can prevent this from happening, and they are important to be sure that you are aware of the fact, that if you don’t try to prevent these tree roots from reaching your sewer line, then you will be paying a lot of money in the repairs for it.
Steps To Take For Prevention Of Penetrating Tree Roots
One of the first things you will need to do, is to be sure and search around your property to see if there are any trees that are close to where your sewer pipe lines are located. Determining where your sewer line is, is an incredibly easy task to do. There will be a PVC, black or white, pipe sticking out of the ground next to your house, and there is another one that is several feet from the curb of the street. The sewer line will run between these to pipes, therefore, giving you an idea of where your line might be laying. If you aren’t certain where the sewer pipe is, then it is prudent that you do the proper research to make sure that you find out where the line is under the ground.
If you have found that a tree is relatively close to your sewer line, then you will need to call a professional to have your pipe line inspected to see if there have been any roots, from this tree, that have already grown through the pipe and damaged it.
If there is a root, or roots, that have grown into the pipe, then you will need to call a service that is able to remove this root from your sewer line. The professionals will be able to remove it by using two different methods and they include cutting the root out, or using chemicals to have the root removed as well. Then have the pipe repaired.
If you think it is necessary to remove the tree, because you feel it is the only way to keep any more roots from destroying your pipes, then that is something you will want to do. If you are looking to grow more trees in your yard, then you will need to be sure that you purchase the types of trees that take a longer time to grow, the ones that are considered as “sewer safe”, and that the tree is about 10 ft. away from your sewer pipe.
In conclusion, it is important to make sure that you do not suffer from any damages to your sewer pipe line that can cost you a lot of money. One of the best things to do, is to have an inspection done of your pipes after a couple of years, and then have the inspection again. This is a way to make sure that you do not have any tree roots growing through the pipe, therefore, saving you a lot of money.